Enterprise Ireland engaged our expertise to design and deliver an evaluation of the business impact of a range of co funded female entrepreneurship/business acceleration supports for female smes with potential to develop an innovative product or service for international markets and the potential to create 10 jobs and €1m in sales within 3 to 4 years of starting up.
What we did
We designed an Impact Evaluation Methodology to capture the impact of Enterprise Ireland supports on the business growth and personal development of the female entrepreneur that included:
- An on-line survey with participants who had availed of EI funded/co-funded supports over the period 2011 to 2016
- One-to-one interviews with female entrepreneurs
- A review of evaluations and reports that had been provided by the programme providers Interviews with programme managers and CEOs of the organisations providing these supports
- An international benchmarking study to review of national and international policy documents, research reports and programmes in the areas of female entrepreneurship.
What we delivered
A report on the impact of the business impact of a range of co funded female entrepreneurship/business acceleration supports including a comprehensive set of recommendations which was adopted fully by the Board of Enterprise Ireland